The Truth Behind Food Claims

by | Jun 22, 2015 | Health Habits, Nutrition Support, Uncategorized

Do the words on the label mean what they say? Absolutely not!

As you begin implementing large-scale healthy lifestyle changes, you may be tempted to reach for foods at your grocer that make broad claims about their products. Fat Free! Sounds great, right? Not necessarily. Precise Portions is determined to lay rest to these false claims and teach you how to make informed choices. Our site is dedicated to gradual and sustainable weight loss through exercise, health habits, and well-controlled portion sizes for both children and adults.

All Natural

Companies love the terminology “all natural”. This is one of the favorites in the industry because processed foods are taking a major hit right now. Organics are very hot and the term “natural” makes heads turn! However, these retailers know something that common consumers may not: the term natural is in no way defined by the FDA. The only restrictions places on companies for its use say that food products touting themselves as “all natural” must not contain any added color, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances, but it can be as processed as they want without disclosure!


The term multi-grain tells you exactly what it is in the name; some people overlook the obvious because it’s such a buzzword. Multi-grain simply means that the product contains multiple grains, but none of these grains have to be “whole” – or all parts of the grain kernel (bran, germ, and endosperm). For this reason, we recommend you always look for whole grain products instead. These products contain far more nutrients, fiber, and health plant products than their multi-grain cousins.

Sugar Free

The term “sugar free” is one of the most misleading on food labels; this term only requires the food to have fewer than 0.5 grams of sugar per serving! While this may seem like a negligible amount, if you eat more than one serving or are on a scorched earth no-processed-sugar diet, you’re in trouble with this one!

Fat Free

Fat Free foods follow the same convention as sugar free, and are dangerous for the same reasons. They can still contain 0.5 grams of fat per serving, making this label a flat out lie.

Low Fat

Just how low is low fat? Based on the FDA regulations for food labels, a product can claim to be low fat if they contain 3 or fewer grams of fat per serving.


The word light, much like all natural, has no formalized definition from the FDA. Light is also a very misleading term, because it can refer to so many attributes of a food. Is it light in terms of calories? Fat? Total weight? Color? The assurances made by the FDA when a food is labeled as “light” are very contrived, but they may be found on the FDA website.

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