How Carbs, Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins and Fats Interact, Metabolize and Keep Us Healthy

by | Sep 9, 2011 | Health Habits, Nutrition Support, Uncategorized

healthy balanced diet

Healthy Balanced Diet →

My plan for healthy eating calls for carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins to be a part of your diet.

Ignore the various high profile diet plans that require you to avoid eating something or the other.

Any worthwhile plan for healthy eating must contain all the essential elements otherwise you will end up having to take supplements.

A plan for healthy eating should always include carbohydrates to be a part of the diet because:

  • Cabs synthesize and form our DNA and RNA.
  • Synthesize hormones and fatty acids such as cholesterol.
  • Create antioxidants and protect our cells from damage and ageing.
  • Cleanse the body.
  • Help hormone and immune functions.
  • Regularize bowl movement because of their fiber content.
  • Help in functioning of our brain cells.
  • Carbs is required to break down fat and convert it into energy.

A plan for healthy eating would be unbalanced if proteins are not included in the diet because

proteins are the building blocks of life. Here are the specifics for proteins:

  • Proteins are required to make antibodies – our defense mechanism against germs and diseases.
  • Proteins are required for muscle movement.
  • It catalyzes metabolic and biochemical reactions through enzymes and facilities all chemical reactions in our body.
  • It acts as signal carrier through out the body.
  • Proteins are required for cell tissue generation.
  • Proteins are required for transportation of nutrients throughout the body.

Read more about why eat carbs & proteins and where to find them.

Any plan for healthy eating should include fats to be a part of the diet because:

Healthy Eating Diet Advice

Healthy Eating Diet Advice →

  • Fats is required to metabolize vitamins A, K,D and E. These vitamins are known as fat soluble vitamins because they dissolve or metabolize only in fat.
  • Fats provide a thick armor like coating and protect all your vital organs.
  • It insulates the body and prevents loss of body heat.
  • It insulates nerves (like the plastic coating on electrical wires).
  • Stimulates flow of bile from your gall bladder.
  • Required for milk production in pregnant women.
  • 60% of our brain is fat!
  • Fat acts like grease to lubricate our joints.

Read also how is fat essential to our body.

Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K – they all should be included in your plan for healthy eating because:

  • Vitamins support our immune functions and maintains our eyesight.
  • Vitamins aid in growth and body development.
  • Vitamins are a potent antioxidant which protect our cells against free radicals.
  • Vitamins metabolize carbohydrates, aid in digestion, improve nerve function and prevent depression.
  • Vitamins help manufacture of hormones, collagen and maintain our respiratory system including lung function.
  • Vitamins help prevent heart diseases.
  • Vitamins aid calcium absorption
  • Vitamins prevent curving of the spine, bowing of legs and loss of bone density.
  • Vitamins also have strong anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Vitamins keep our skin healthy, young and glowing.
  • Vitamins play a major role in preventing loss of blood when we suffer from a cut because vitamins aid in blood clots.

Read more about vitamins & minerals and where to find them.

Before you draw up your plan for healthy eating, print out a list of foods that contain all the essential elements we’ve mentioned in this article. Such a list is available on this site and elsewhere on the net too.

Your plan for healthy eating should include a balanced diet that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins.