Healthy Tips for Weight Loss

by | Feb 6, 2012 | Health Habits, Nutrition Support, Uncategorized

If you are serious about losing weight, determine your metabolism type first and then – read on these healthy tips for weight loss. They are based on common sense and my intimate knowledge on how our body works.

Eating IS important – less is not necessarily good

Reduce the quantity of food you eat only if you are eating more than you should be. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and are used to eating more than 2,500 calories per day, then you ought to cut back slightly so that your food intake is nearer to 2,000 calories per day.

‘Expert diets’ that talk about eating anything you want in any quantity you want and still lose weight are a load of crap. It is common sense that you can’t eat like an elephant and miraculously expect to look like a Giraffe or a Gazelle. There are no magic beans that will do it.

Eliminate all the chemicals in your diet

Take out any and all pre-processed and packaged foods that might currently be a part of your diet. Yup! This includes biscuits, ready made sweets and pastries and even food bought in restaurants. Okay, the occasional outing is expected and forgiven but should not happen more than once a month.

Pre-processed, packaged foods and even foods cooked in restaurants contain a lot of additives to improve taste, shelf-life and stabilize the food (why do you think these foods taste so good?). Instead of breaking down and eliminating fats, your liver ends up working overtime to remove harmful chemicals and has no time to eliminate fats.

Cook at home and cook fresh

When you cook at home, you know what is in the food you’ve cooked. You not only save on money, you save your liver too. Food must be cooked and eaten fresh. Remember that food breaks down and decomposes immediately after cooking. The longer it is stored, the lesser its nutritive value (and taste). Home cooked food is easier to digest.

Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are easy to digest and add loads of fiber to your diet. They are also called ‘packaged goods’ because nature has packaged vegetables and fruits with vitamins, minerals and trace elements – vital stuff you don’t get from meats. As for meats, remember the animals are fattened for the market on a diet of animal food that has loads of chemicals in it. These chemicals play havoc in our body.

Avoid breads, cereal, muffins, salad dressings, etc.

There are some foods that convert directly into sugar and unless you are starving and need a quick-fix, avoid bread, cereal, crackers, orange juice, granola, muffins, anything containing artificial sweeteners, salad dressings, hydrogenated oils, syrups, and monosodium glutamate.

When you eat these foods, your body releases insulin to combat the influx of sugar. When insulin hits your blood stream, it so dramatically reduces the sugar level that you feel hungry with a couple of hours of having eaten any of these products.

Check out these 10 foods we recommend you add to your daily menu 😉