Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Childhood Obesity & Bullying

by | Sep 30, 2013 | Health Habits, Nutrition Support, Uncategorized

Thousands of children are bullied every day because of their weight. In fact, obese children are nearly 60% more likely to be bullied than their peers. The Huffington Post reports that bullying leads to “depression, anxiety, suicidality, [and] a whole host of outcomes that we know just wreak havoc on adult lives.”

The face of childhood obesity is changing. It used to be the boy who sat in a corner by himself or the girl who never got to play jump rope with the cool kids. But now, the face of obesity is almost unrecognizable because it is everywhere.

Kids who are bullied because of their weight experience negative effects far worse than being picked last for kickball. They often grow up feeling insecure –about their body, them selves, their future, and their capabilities. And almost everyone of us, as adults, knows how crippling insecurity can be.

Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Childhood Obesity & Bullying

Our Goal:
Our campaign  is raising money to create and launch an innovative, educational, Children’s Nutrition Dinnerware System  that teaches children how food can be used to fuel their bodies. These Portion & Nutrition Control Guides will help them build balanced eating habits for life…still enjoying the foods you love as a family.

Our goal is to raise a generation of healthy children for a healthier tomorrow – If we can educate a new generation about healthy eating and healthy bodies, perhaps we can lower rates of childhood obesity and that generation’s adult obesity.

Maybe we can even change cultural standards of beauty and move away from stereotypes. Maybe we can produce a generation that is proud of their appearance and where everyone is judged on their contribution to society instead of how skinny or fat, tall or small they are.

Click here to learn more about Precise Portion’s kids weight loss campaign today.

Get Perks for Donating!
If you can, please donate to our campaign  to help teach children healthy eating habits & proper nutrition in order to prevent and reduce obesity among children. Plus, you’ll be eligible for perks starting with a $5 donation!

Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Childhood Obesity & Bullying

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Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Childhood Obesity & Bullying