Sweet & Sour Onion Jam

Sweet & Sour Onion Jam This is a delicious topping for grilled meats and also perks up sandwich fillings. More like a delicious homemade relish. Makes 4 servings Ingredients: 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 large sweet onions, such as Vidalia, halved...

When to Introduce Sugar Foods to Kids

In reply to the question on when to introduce sugar foods to kids, Dr Geoffrey Phillip a child specialist says “there is no specific age when children should consciously be introduced to sugar. Children consume sugar almost from the instant they begin to eat solid food. These sugars are present in most baby foods including milk and fruit”.

How to Spot Signs of Overtraining

Overtraining can be a huge danger if you are not properly informed on how to exercise. Knowing the right amount of exercise to get can be a bit tricky. Doing nothing is worse than something, but too much can be worse than nothing at all! The right mix lies right in the middle. Read on to figure out where this is for you.

Weight Loss and Group Dynamics

Group dynamics is a very powerful tool. Take street gangs for example, group dynamics is the only tool at play. The peers within the group set the standards and control the group. A group could be formed to achieve something good (as in weight loss or curing addiction) or something bad (as in pushing drugs).

Low Carb Diet and Possible Deficiencies

Carbohydrates, especially excess of carbohydrates in our diet is quite easily turned into fat. Because of this, many misguided or purely profit motivated weight loss ‘specialists’ recommend a low carb diet. However, the real experts will tell you that not only is carbohydrate essential for our body, its lack will lead to severe deficiencies and over time, will have dangerous consequences.

Self-Love: First Step to Food Addiction Recovery

We all need to eat food to survive and to go about our daily activity. But the moment we consume more food than required for our day-to-day activities, the excess food we consume, turns into our worst enemy. The irony is that, those who love food love themselves but in over consumption lies their own destruction. This is why we say that self-love is the first step to food addiction recovery.

Top 5 Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

To qualify as a healthy smoothie, the end result must be ‘light’ on the stomach and light in calories. It must contain loads of fiber, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Finally, all ingredients must be fresh – nothing should have come out a tin. Here is our selection of well researched and genuinely healthy top 5 smoothies’ recipes for weight loss.

Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label

Many times, we fall for the marketing ploy that companies use to snag our attention. We only pay attention to the big print – words like “Extra protein!” and “Rich in vitamins!” We assume the product we are buying is actually healthy. However, we need to ignore the big print and instead focus on the fine print – the information shared in the nutrition facts label. Once you understand the nutrition label, you can use it to make quick, informed food choices.