5 Foods to Avoid in the 3rd Month of Your Pregnancy.

by | Aug 20, 2017 | Health Habits, Nutrition Support, Uncategorized

Good news and congratulations for walking the great journey of pregnancy into the third month. However, escaping from the hands of being unable to eat due to nausea, vomiting and other discomforts of morning sickness, you may need to know how important a healthy eating habit is to you and your baby, especially at this stage of the pregnancy. Your practical class of healthy eating habits just began. The food a woman consumes during pregnancy is her baby’s main source of nourishment and diabetic pregnant women need to start with the diabetic portion plates, this may help put them in check in what they eat.  During the 3rd month of your pregnancy, a lot of development is happening to that little treasure inside of you. It is during this time the baby begins to experience any developmental changes and growth; it period marks the beginning of the baby:

  • Gaining more definite shape
  • Joints are beginning to form
  • Eyelids are getting formed
  • The four chambers of the heart are formed
  • Vital organs
  • Fingers no longer webbed
  • You may start to hear his heartbeat as the baby also is becoming more active.

Nevertheless, a lot have been said about the type of healthy foods that a to-be-mother should take during pregnancy; foods which may include: lean protein (fish, meat, eggs, beans, tofu, and cheese), whole grains (breads, whole wheat, oatmeal, and brown rice), fruits and vegetables, dairy foods, and many more. However, only little information is available on the type of foods that needed to be avoided during the period or perhaps a diet plates portion control for pregnant women in their third month; foods which are capable of mocking your healthy eating habits or program. And that’s exactly what will be revealed in this article.

Nevertheless, a lot have been said about the type of healthy foods that a to-be-mother should take during pregnancy; foods which may include: lean protein (fish, meat, eggs, beans, tofu, and cheese), whole grains (breads, whole wheat, oatmeal, and brown rice), fruits and vegetables, dairy foods, and many more. However, only little information is available on the type of foods that needed to be avoided during the period or perhaps a diet plates portion control for pregnant women in their third month; foods which are capable of mocking your healthy eating habits or program. And that’s exactly what will be revealed in this article.

Foods you should avoid in your 1st trimester Raw Sea foods
Many sea foods such as shark, king mackerel, swordfish and tilefish contain high level of methyl mercury; a toxic compound which has been found capable of crossing the placenta to cause brain function impairment in the developing baby. So stay off them.

Unpasteurized dairy foods
During this crucial stage of your pregnancy, it’s advisable you steer clear of unpasteurized dairy foods such as milk, blue-veined cheese and camembert. This will prevent you from possible food poisoning that may result from the bacteria; Listeria monocytogene found mostly in these unpasteurized foods. This bacterial infection could cause miscarriage, still birth, preterm labor, and illness in newborns.

Yes. Not all fruits are good for your consumption during pregnancy. If you are concern about having a healthy eating habit during pregnancy, this implies that you need to avoid such fruits as they are obviously not meant for you. Some of these fruits may include:

  • Papaya or Paw-paw: except very ripe, taking semi-ripe paw-paw may cause uterine contractions and thus leads to premature labor due to the high proportion of latex in them.
  • Grapes: may lead to body heat, especially during the last trimester. So avoid them.
  • Pineapples: may also cause premature labor due to Bromolain found in them.

Therefore, it’s clear that it goes beyond only ‘what to eat’ when it comes to talking about healthy eating habits in pregnant women. It also extends to what ‘not to eat’ or an appropriate diet plate portion control plan. A diabetic pregnant woman may consider the diabetic portion plate. As a matter of fact, these foods that are meant to be avoided, when continuously taken due to lack of knowledge, can go as far as sabotaging the effort put into healthy eating habit during the first trimester of a pregnancy.